Welcome to CGC Building Sciences

Building Science

ESI, Inc. is a Delaware-based professional building science consulting and full service firm that specializes in building technology for all types of buildings including Commercial, institutional and residential. ESI utilizes state of the art technology advanced training, and the latest protocols to provide our customers with the most accurate and reliable services.

Our focus is on evaluating the job and providing the most knowledgeable and economical solution for each specific situation. ESI employs highly trained staff members focused on meeting our clients’ needs.  Our employees include industrial hygienists, asbestos project monitors/inspectors, lead-based paint inspectors, mold investigators, and OSHA trained safety professionals with a focus on preventing and resolving problems related to building design, construction and operation. We are recognized for our expertise in moisture dynamics, indoor air quality, and building failure forensic investigations. We are also on the leading edge of the design of sustainable buildings and communities and believe in promoting energy efficiency and environmental responsibility within the constraints of marketable and affordable building technology.

From our understanding of air and moisture flow within buildings, indoor air quality investigations and assessments are a regular component of our services. As a result of our experience in moisture migration, we have specific expertise in conducting microbial, mold, and moisture investigations in commercial and institutional facilities located in southern and humid climates. Through forensic investigations, ESI has gained considerable expertise in the application of rain screen principles, drainage planes and in the application of air flow retarder and vapor diffusion retarder systems.